Business credit cards are a major source of financing for small business owners in today’s economy. Statistics even show that over 65% of small businesses use credit cards on a frequent basis. So why have business credit cards become such a popular source of financing? In a recent survey conducted by the National Small Business Association, “twenty-nine percent of small business owners report having their loans or lines of credit reduced in the last four years and nearly 1 in 10 had their loan or line of credit called in early by the bank.” Traditional credit lines such as a line of credit from a bank compared to an untraditional credit line in the form of business credit cards have two major differences. First, the way the minimum payment is calculated with a line of credit from a bank is based on the principal (1.5 – 2% monthly balance) plus interest (prime + 3-5%). With untraditional lines of credit (business credit cards), your minimum payment is c...